Breast Reduction in Danville, CA

Oversized breasts can create social and functional problems for women. Furthermore, uneven and very large breasts can create self-confidence issues and overall embarrassment, as well as joint pain. Dr. Vivek Bansal, a plastic surgeon in Danville, CA, helps women rebuild their confidence and enjoy the life they want through cosmetic breast reduction. This aesthetic surgery at Elite MD reduces excess breast fat and skin, as well as unhealthy tissue, to recontour the breasts to a more normal size. Breast reduction surgery also reduces the size of the nipples/areolas and repositions them so they look natural with the new breast size. In most situations, a breast lift can be implemented to produce a tighter and healthier appearance.

Breast reduction surgery is an outpatient procedure and is conducted with the patient under general anesthesia. The surgery's timeframe depends upon various factors, including the incision type, the general technique, and finally, how much reduction is required. Repositioning the areola and nipple area will also be a factor. Typically, liposuction is necessary for fat and tissue elimination to decrease breast size. All of these factors are addressed during the private consultation with Dr. Bansal. The issue surrounding scarring is also carefully examined and discussed as it is likely to occur. However, modern techniques have led to a noticeable reduction in overall scarring. Depending on the intricacy of the size and overall reduction, either an inverted-T or a straight line (vertical) incision will be used. Breast fat and tissue will be removed, and the surrounding skin and tissue will be tightened.

While a number of patients may desire to increase the volume of their breasts, for some, overly large breasts sometimes negatively shape their day-to-day lives and confidence. A breast reduction procedure in Danville, CA at Elite MD yields many advantages to reinvent your style and reenergize your well-being, such as:

  • Enhances body proportions
  • Resizes the nipples
  • Allows you to obtain improved sleep
  • Takes away spinal pressure
  • Enhances mobility and movement
  • Raises and contours the breasts
  • Expands wardrobe choices
  • Helps with skin irritation
  • Minimizes the volume and weight of the breasts
  • Improves posture
  • Makes exercise and high-impact activities more enjoyable
  • Adds to your confidence and self-esteem

Becoming my Perfect Self - San Ramon, CA - Dr. Bansal was so great! Extremely knowledgeable and always made me feel comfortable and important! His staff was diligent and very helpful. I am so happy that I got my breast reduction and mastopexy surgery and wouldn't change a thing! I feel more in-tune with my body and my confidence is through the roof!

M. RealSelf

Tummy Tuck & Lipo to Flank&bra-line- Part 2 of my Transformation Journey - Danville, CA - For years I've wanted a Tummy Tuck. In 2002, I made the mistake of having liposuction to the tummy and flank area because I wasn't educated enough and, the PS wasn't skilled enough to tell me that I was a candidate for tummy tuck instead. 10 years foward and I'll be having my TT surgery August 7th, 2012. I'm a proud mother of 3 daughters - giving birth to two and one being my daughter through marriage so I only had two births but the last took a serious toll on my body. I've hated my mid-section for far too long and I MUST say "bye" to the UGLY buldge. I've raised my children, now 20, 20 and 15 years old, dedicated16 years of marriage to my husband, worked full-time, attending school part-time, currently running a home-based travel business SO now it's time to DO-ME!. Pictures will be posted. BREAST REDUCTION On June 18th I had a breast reduction (pictures and review posted on this site) and I'm very pleased.Updated on 5 Aug 2012:When I decided to share my tummy tuck with everyone, I'd made the decision to NOT post pics before my tummy tuck (August 7th 2012) BUT I've changed my mind,,,,,,so,,,,,please see my pics for your own motivation to have a TT procedure if you look like me and have been thinking about getting it done. Many people tell me "you don't need that" " you look fine" "why spend your money?" first of all it's exactly that,,,,,my money and my body. I've hidden my stomach so well that no one really knows what I look like without clothing, spanks, holding the tummy in etc..... I'm so anxious and can't wait. I just hope that the results give me a good jump-start and better motivation on my goal to be more fit. Starting tomorrow I have to shower with Hibiclens soap. I've already started taking the Arnica and Bromelain three times a day. Tomorrow I'll start drinking Mix 1 all-natural protein shake for a better healing process. Thanks for reading my story!Updated on 6 Aug 2012:Day Before Surgery!!I'm feeling anxious mixed with many other emotions I can't express. I continue to look at my tummy all day because I can't believe after all these years, finally my extra "pillow" will be cut off. The Surgery Center called me today telling me what time they need me at the facility and what time my surgery will be. I'll have to be there at 7AM,,,,I wonder if I'll get any sleep tonight,,,hmmmm. Happy Healing ladiesUpdated on 8 Aug 2012:1 Day Post-opToday is August 8th and I"m doing just fine. I was so afraid that I would be in pain but I'm NOT. The only time I feel pain is when I'm getting out of bed, or off my couch, other than that the only time I was in tears was when I woke from the surgery. It feels as if I did 1000 reps on my Ab-Slider or something. My breast reduction brought me more pain than the tummy tuck which was totally unexpected.Today I see my PS and will get the chance to see my tummy for the first time. I"m SO nervous thinking I will hate, hate the scar but I'll try to think positive. If the tummy don't look too bad I'll post pics.Updated on 8 Aug 2012:Saw my tummy today and although it's very, very swollen I like the outcome. I'm hating the drains but I think they'll be in for almost two weeks.Updated on 13 Aug 2012:Today I'm 6 days post op and noticed the swelling went down just a little. I posted my pictures ladies let me know what you think. I'm happy with my results but maybe it's because I'm excited there's no rolls lol,,,,,others might think I still look a HOT MESS!Updated on 7 Sep 2012:I'm now four weeks post op and can't believe how fast the time went. The issue that I'm having is the swelling and wearing the uncomfortable spanx. I still wear the CG during the day and night. I'm now starting scar therapy but so far its dark in color.Updated on 25 Oct 2012:Almost 3 mos post op and very pleased. I'm now exercising my abs everyday and it's really encouraging to see actual muscles!!Happy Healing!

F. RealSelf


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Dr. Bansal has helped many women regain their body, mind, and spirit for a more active life with cosmetic breast reduction. During the consultation at Elite MD, Dr. Bansal will discuss all the options to reach your aesthetic desires and create a customized surgical plan to fit your goals. There is no reason to continue living with the discomfort or lack of confidence that can accompany large breasts. We welcome you to call our office in Danville, CA to discover more about this life-changing breast reduction treatment.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.